Tailored information to support growers in making decisions that maximize yields and grape quality.
Working with vineyard operators and wine producers across the state, our researchers and other experts are giving the expanding wine industry and backyard hobbyists the information they need. Connect with Matt Halldorson, Area Agent in Viticulture to learn more about growing grapes in Arizona.
Between 1999 and 2019, the number of wine producers in Arizona rose from 12 to 125, and from 2012-17 the acreage of grapes rose from 942 to 1,500. The total contribution of the wine industry to the state economy in 2019 was $133 million in sales.
Climate and Weather
Every month, Climate and Geospatial Extension Specialist Jeremy Weiss compiles weather data relevant to grape growers.
Pest Scouting Schedule
Learn the pest to look for at different points in the year.
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