Rules, Forms, & Other Aides for Inspectors of AZ Transfer of Ownership Inspection Program
Onsite Wastewater
- Arizona Administrative Code for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems which is part of the Aquifer Protection Permit Program: Title 18. Environmental Quality, Chapter 9. Department of Environmental Quality - Water Pollution Control, Articles 1, 2, 3, 4:
- Paper copies
- Available through Secretary of State, Public Services Division, 1700 W. Washington Street, Floor 7, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
- Cost ~$14, current price list of all Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) Titles and Chapters is available online
- Order form
- Paper copies
- Standardized glossary of terms used in the onsite wastewater industry (developed by the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment):
- Sources of onsite wastewater treatment equipment and supplies to conduct inspections: Pumper Magazine's list of Company/Equipment Directories
- Disaster Preparedness & Response for Septic Systems
- Arizona Onsite Wastewater County Contact List (As of October 2023, let us know of any suggested updates)
- ADEQ Onsite Wastewater
- ADEQ Stakeholder Materials
- Presale Inspection Program Information and Forms
- Report of Inspection Form (ADEQ form GWS 432)
- Notice of Transfer Form (ADEQ form GWS 431)
- Septage Hauler Licensing Information >> You can apply for a septage hauler license by signing into MyDEQ at the given link. Before you submit the application online you will need an inspection from your county. It is recommended that you get the vehicle(s) inspected with your county before applying online.
- List of Inspectors who hold a current certificate of training: >> use bottom left search box & select Arizona for the State. All those current in their NAWT certification will be listed. For more information on holding NAWT certification see ADEQ letter and How to Maintain your NAWT certification below.
- Databases & websites to check on the current registration/licensure of the five (5) eligible categories for ADEQ Transfer of Ownership inspectors:
- Arizona-registered engineer: >> Professional Registrant
- Arizona-registered sanitarian
- ADEQ maintains the list of licensed service vehicles (pumper trucks) organized by license number and county code
- Arizona-registered contractor (must have one or more of the following licenses: A, A-12, B-4, C-41, KA, K-41, and/or L-41)
- ADEQ letter (September 2011) clarifying Department's policy on inspectors maintaining NAWT certification for the Transfer of Ownership Inspection program
- Using Gray Water at Home (ADEQ brochure)
- Sources of onsite wastewater treatment equipment and supplies to conduct Transfer of Ownership inspections, Pumper Magazine
- University of Arizona
- Procedures to follow when inspecting a property with a cesspool
- Septic System Owner's Guide, SSOG01 (folder w/ manual and fact sheets, only available for purchase for $9.00)
- What You Should Know When You’re Having Your Septic System Inspected for the Transfer of Ownership Program
- Arizona Association of Realtors
- Septic System Addendum (Required when selling a home with a septic system)
- NAWT Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Inspection Report
- How to maintain your NAWT certification
- NAWT Hydraulic Load Test
- NAWT Revised Ethics Policy