Publication Date: April 2020 | Publication Number: AZ1816-2020 |
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Make sure you are safe next time you head out into the desert with your horse. Read the tips below and download the poster which you can hang in your barn or hand out to young riders.
- Ensure you always carry your phone on you as it's hard to call 911 if your horse has your phone.
- Carry two copies of your emergency contacts with one copy on you and one copy with your horse.
- Always tell someone where you're riding and when you plan to return.
First Aid Supplies
- Bandage and scissors
- Antibiotic ointment
- Telfa pad
- Roll cotton
- Vet wrap
- Elastikon
- Electrolytes
- Syringes
- Antibacterial Scrub
Beware of Hazards
- Extreme heat
- Cactus
- Rocks
- Snakes
- Scorpions
- Wire
- Africanized bees
Trail Tools
- Large comb (for cactus)
- Needle nose pliers
- Bailing twine
- Duct tape
- Hoof pick
Always start hydrated. For humans, bring 16 ounces of water for each our on the trial. For horses, plan ahead to find sources along the way. Consider giving electrolytes before the ride. You can also bring a collapsible bucket and molasses for the horse.
Pack Weight
How much is too much weight for your horse? An 1,100-pound horse can carry 20-25% of its body weight, or 220 to 275 pounds. As an example, take a 200 lb rider + 45 lb saddle + 5 lb of water + 10 lb saddle bags (snacks, tools, meds). This equals 260 lbs for your horse to carry/