Grapefruit and Pummelo for Southern Arizona

Glenn Wright
Publication Date: July 2021 | Publication Number: AZ1925-2021 | View PDF

Grapefruit (Citrus × aurantium L. var. racemosa (Risso) ined.) formerly (Citrus x paradisi) is a fruit that can cause great disagreements. Many people believe that the fruit is excessively bitter, thick-peeled and/or difficult to eat, while many others enjoy the bracing flavor of the fruit, either fresh or juiced, as an essential part of a winter morning’s breakfast. Pummelos (Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.) are relatively unknown in the United States but are widely available in East Asian countries. Pummelos are slowly increasing in popularity due to returning travelers, East Asian immigrants and adventurous “foodies” who are willing to give them a try.