4-H Project Essentials Livestock Fact Sheets Small Stock Vol.1

Publication Date: August 2021 | Publication Number: AZ1907-2021 | View PDF

Cavies, Poultry, Rabbit

The goal of the “Project Essentials” sheets is to provide a basic resource for 4-H members and parents to get started in a new small stock project. Small stock projects are a challenge, and these sheets will help provide first steps and basic knowledge on your animal’s needs. These sheets should be utilized by families to foster a youth’s ‘learning to learn’ skills. There are several key housing boarding and feeding needs to be discussed, in addition to cost estimates for each type of animal. You will also see an “additional resource” and "local resources" section. The additional resources are links to examples within a greater body of resource material, again this is not a complete source but rather a place to get started in your project journey. The local resources section is very important – getting involved in your local community will provide a 4-H member with a rich body of knowledge and experience, and this is a great opportunity for young people to interact with peers and caring adult volunteers.