Maricopa County
Our office is your direct link to University of Arizona, offering the solutions you need to solve real world problems.
Job Opening: Director Position
The University of Arizona is seeking a dynamic and effective leader for Maricopa County Cooperative Extension. The Maricopa Cooperative Extension Director (CED) position provides key leadership and oversight of urban Extension programs, including those focused on agriculture, natural resources, health, and 4-H youth development. The position oversees faculty and staff within the unit and guides planning and actions that meet county-wide needs and develop capacity by seeking and overseeing internal and external funding. The Maricopa CED job is posted at an Associate or Full Agent professional level and is under the Associate Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension within the University of Arizona Division of Agriculture, Life, & Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension. The posting can be found as req22015 on the UA Talent website. The job is located at the Maricopa Extension office, 4341 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85040.
Our staff connects Maricopa County communities to University science and other expert advice that people and businesses can use every day. We offer practical information and education to make life better for each of the county's 4 million people. Maricopa County is home to over four million people, and Extension provides practical information and education to improve all of their lives.

Be Healthy Arizona
Nutrition education, physical activity and gardening to help everyone live a healthier life.

Project WET
Developing water stewards through student-centered instruction and Arizona-specific content.