

A 4-H club can be no better than the quality of leadership. As one of the officers of your club, you have a responsibility to see that it carries on the best possible program and that it measures up in every way to 4-H Club ideals. You should feel honored that your fellow members have placed their confidence in you. A good 4-H club meeting gives its members a chance to think, plan, and do things together. To do a good job, you will need all the help you can get. This guide is to acquaint you with your new duties and to offer suggestions for making a better 4-H club.

State 4-H Programs

4-h kids at state shooting championship

4-H youth shooting rifles at the 4-H state shooting championship in 2023.

Ben Downer

Join 4-H

4-H youth silly group photo

4-H youth taking silly photo on the steps of Old Main on the University of Arizona Campus in Tucson, AZ.
