Monofloral Honeys

Anne Lesenne
Publication Date: May 2023 | Publication Number: AZ2046-2023 | View PDF

According to the National Honey Board, most of the $920 million of honey purchased last year in the U.S. was from a grocery store in a 12 oz. plastic bottle.ⅰ This honey is usually processed (not raw) Wildflower, Clover or a blend of honeys to achieve a consistent light amber color and mild flavor. Most people don’t know that there are over 300 different plants that honey can be produced from here in the United States. Since each plant is different, the nectar they produce is also different, and will produce a honey with a unique flavor profile. These honey flavors can be categorized according to the sensations they trigger in our taste buds: Sweet, Spicy, Sour, Bitter, Savory. Since taste is closely related to our sense of smell, flavors of honey will also remind us of other tastes and smells we’ve experienced.