Arizona Cooperative Alfalfa Forage Yield Trials (1993-2020)

Michael Ottman
Steven Smith
Jeffrey White
Publication Date: March 2022 | Publication Number: AZ1928-2022 | View PDF

The Arizona Cooperative Alfalfa Forage Yield Trial Program, administered by the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station and Arizona Cooperative Extension, conducted alfalfa forage yield trials at the University of Arizona's Agriculture Centers in Maricopa and Tucson. The Maricopa location is at 1188 ft elevation and has a sandy loam soil. The Tucson location is at 2352 ft elevation and has a very fine sandy loam soil. Very non-dormant cultivars are well-adapted to this environment, which is typical of agricultural areas of the low elevation deserts of Arizona where 8 to 10 harvests of alfalfa are common each year and stands typically remain productive for 2 to 4 years. All fields were laser-leveled and alfalfa was irrigated using the border-strip methods.