Pima County Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
A community-based, relationship-driven, hands-on educational approach program designed to assist families with limited financial resources eat healthier meals on a budget, make improvements in food safety, physical activity, and connect with their community resources to improve food access.

Video Library
Mini lessons and tips to help you and your family make healthy choices every day.

Herbs in the Kitchen
Learn how to grow your own herbs and make delicious meals with them.

Cooking and Food Safety
Everything you need to know about cooking safely and storing food

Our Funding
We are supported by the USDA and are committed to providing education around health.

Pressure Gauge Testing
In canning, safety comes first. Always use recipes that have been tested for food safety.Foods high in acid content, with a pH below 4.6, can be canned using a hot water bath. Canning low-acid foods such as meats and vegetables require a pressure canner. The gauge on your pressure canner should be tested once a year.
The University of Arizona Pima County Extension does not offer canning classes but can test pressure canner gauges to ensure that they are accurate. Testing is offered by appointment only*. Testing is primarily for Presto Pressure Canners. Individuals with All American Canners must remove the gauge from the lid before arriving. The process only takes 10 minutes and is offered at the Pima County office located at 4210 N Campbell Avenue – across from Trader Joe’s.
Email Ivonne Martinez to confirm your appointment. Contact Debbie Curley to schedule an alternate appointment.