Rules, Forms, & Other Aides for Designers
Onsite Wastewater
- Arizona Administrative Code for Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems which is part of the Aquifer Protection Permit Program: Title 18. Environmental Quality, Chapter 9. Department of Environmental Quality - Water Pollution Control, Articles 1, 2, 3, 4
- Paper copies
- Available through Secretary of State, Public Services Division, 1700 W. Washington Street, Floor 7, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
- Cost ~$14, current price list of all Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) Titles and Chapters is available online
- Order form
- Paper copies
- Treatment Technologies Workbook, by Justin Ramsey
- Standardized glossary of terms used in the onsite wastewater industry (developed by the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment)
- Sources of onsite wastewater treatment equipment and supplies: Pumper Magazine's list of Company/Equipment Directories
- Community Septic System Owner's Guide, an online tool to develop Owner's Guides:
As of October 2024, let us know of any suggested updates)
- ADEQ Onsite Wastewater
- Construction Authorization Phase
- Discharge Authorization Phase
- Example List of Materials, Components, and Equipment for Completing the Notice of Intent to Discharge (Form GWS 402; Section 9)
- Notice of Intent to Discharge Instructions & Application
- Using Gray Water at Home (tri-fold brochure)
- Engineering Bulletin No. 12 for Conventional System Training
- Screening-Level Analysis for Seepage Pit Location
University of Arizona
- Calculating Tank Buoyancy (PDF)
- Design Flow & Soil Worksheet (PDF)
- Document
- Trench, Chamber, & Bed Design Worksheet (PDF)
- Pressure Distribution Worksheet (PDF)
- Pump Tank Sizing Worksheet (PDF)
- Maintaining Your NAWT Certification
- Septic System Owner's Guide, SSOG01 (folder w/ manual and fact sheets, only available for purchase)
- Example Management Plans (Scroll to "Management Plans")