Diabetes Prevention Program
While 1 in 10 Arizonans have diabetes, 1 in 3 adults have prediabetes, and most don’t know they do. Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. Most people with prediabetes have no symptoms. Prediabetes often progresses to type 2 diabetes. However, it is possible to delay or prevent this progression. Adopting healthier eating behaviors and increasing physical activity can drastically cut the risk of developing diabetes.
The CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program is a lifestyle-based intervention offered nationwide in a concerted effort to reduce the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. The program provides 12-months of support from a trained educator (lifestyle coach), in a safe, judgment-free group setting. Classes meet weekly initially, then every other week, and finally once a month.
The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension offers the National DPP across the state, and has obtained FULL PLUS recognition status from the CDC. Classes are available in-person or over Zoom, in English or in Spanish. At the moment, there is no charge to participate!
Learn more and sign up for a class at www.preventdiabetesAZ.org
Dining with Diabetes
Diabetes has become a serious concern for the state of Arizona. Approximately 10% of the Arizona adult population, costing the state $6.8 billion a year in direct and indirect medical costs.
Nutrition is an important aspect of type 2 diabetes management, and people with diabetes often struggle with knowing what to eat. Dining with Diabetes is an Extension program that helps people with diabetes or prediabetes learn how to prepare healthier meals that are also delicious. The group classes meet weekly for 4 weeks, with a follow-up meeting 3 to 4 months later.
Click here to be the first to know when a new Dining with Diabetes class starts!