Cross Reality (XR) Activities for community engagement

Nicholas Morris
Kim Johnson
Publication Date: March 2024 | Publication Number: az2080-2024 Download from the UA Campus Repository

As a part of your 4-H community outreach whether as an ambassador, volunteer, or staff you have the opportunity to go out and interact with schools and families. This will help you in promoting the 4-H program and highlight the benefits of supporting positive youth development in your community. These lessons are for those new to Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technology. Representing the "T" in STEM learning these tools (AR/VR) has many uses and can be found being used by many different kinds of professions! Because of the broadness, these lessons are to develop a basic understanding of the tools and apply to your identity and see how they function. There are several examples throughout the lessons on how others are using it in their field. It is encouraged for ambassadors, volunteers, and staff to apply what they have learned from other 4-H activities or personal research into these AR/VR projects.