Urban Ag Field Day - Prescott

Urban Ag Field Day graphic


9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Aug. 25, 2024


Urban Ag Field Days are peer-learning and networking opportunities initiated by the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension's Urban Agriculture Production, Small-Scale, and Beginning Farmer Program in collaboration with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency.

Interested in learning about composting? Small-scale farming?

Join us for our Urban Ag Field Day in Prescott , Arizona at Delicous Earth Farms! Learn about becoming self-sufficiant and providing food security. Delicious Earth Farms consists of fruit trees, chickens, vegetables, and flower production. Learn about the composting process at the Prescott Farmers Market Composting Center and how Delicious Earth Farms started their business and what inspired them!

Register Here

This event will be in person in Prescott, AZ - Location will be emailed to registrants prior to the event.

Tickets are $20 - scholarships avaliable on a needs basis, please email draket@arizona.edu for inquires.

Food to be provided!


Tiffany Drake