Commercial Horticulture and Small Acreage (CHSA) is a University of Arizona Cooperative Extension program supporting small-scale Yavapai County growers. Our goal is to identify the needs of local farmers and provide science-based information to guide their decision-making. By working alongside growers, agricultural professionals, and stakeholders, CHSA promotes sustainable local food production through research, education, and collaboration.
Our Vision
Rooted in Arizona’s rich agricultural heritage, we celebrate the resilience and diversity of small and medium-scale farms. We strive to enhance the environment, strengthen local food systems, and improve producers' and consumers' quality of life.
Our Mission
Through applied research and outreach, we empower growers to adopt sustainable farming practices, explore profitable crop opportunities, and strengthen regional food security. Our work bridges science and practice to ensure long-term success for local farmers.
Our Goals
We serve a diverse network of stakeholders, including farmers, marketing professionals, policymakers, and agencies like the USDA. By leveraging the expertise of The University of Arizona, USDA, private industry, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), we provide applied research, business support, and Extension education that fosters a thriving, resilient agricultural community.
Soil Fertility
Healthy soil is the foundation of productive and sustainable farming. Understanding soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties is essential for maintaining soil health and maximizing crop yields. A well-managed soil system improves water retention, enhances nutrient cycling, reduces erosion, and minimizes nutrient runoff, contributing to long-term farm viability. In Arizona, it is crucial to build soil resilient to dry conditions by maintaining healthy levels of organic material.
Effective soil fertility management focuses on increasing soil organic matter and soil carbon through four key principles:
- Minimizing disturbance – Reducing tillage preserves soil structure, retains organic matter, and protects microbial life.
- Maximizing soil cover – Cover crops and mulches to prevent erosion, retain moisture, and enhance soil biodiversity.
- Optimizing biodiversity – Diverse crop rotations and intercropping improve soil fertility and reduce pest pressure.
- Maximizing root presence – Keeping living roots in the soil year-round promotes microbial activity and nutrient availability.
Research and extension efforts emphasize integrated approaches such as cover cropping, reduced tillage, compost application, manure management, and biochar incorporation to build soil health. These strategies enhance resource efficiency while supporting productive and sustainable farming systems in Yavapai County.
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Grape Pomace Composting: The Pros and Cons AZ1921
- Compost Tea 101: What Every Organic Gardener Should Know AZ1739
- Fertilizing Small Grains in Arizona AZ1346
- Laboratories Conducting Soil, Plant, feed, or Water Testing AZ1111
- Salinity Management and Soil Amendments for Southwestern Pecan Orchards AZ1411
- Small Scale Composting in the low Desert of Arizona AZ1632
- Soil Management and Soil Testing for Irrigated Cotton Production AZ1216
- Using Gypsum and Other Calcium Amendments in Southwestern Soils AZ1413
- Zeolite Application in Crop Production: Importance to Soil Nutrient. Soll Water, Soll Health, and Environmental Pollution Management AZ1851
- Sustainable Agriculture Practices as a Driver for Increased Harvested Cropland among Large‐Scale Growers in Arizona: A Paradox for Small‐Scale Growers
Effective pest, disease, and weed management is essential for sustainable farming and long-term crop health. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) emphasizes science-based strategies that minimize environmental impact while protecting farm workers and consumers. By combining biological, cultural, mechanical, and chemical control methods, IPM reduces pesticide reliance and promotes ecological balance.
The University of Arizona offers plant pathology and IPM labs to support research and collaboration, helping growers diagnose and manage agricultural pests and diseases. Additionally, IPM plays a critical role in invasive species management, preventing the spread of harmful pests that threaten local crops and ecosystems.
Through research and outreach, this program provides growers with tools and knowledge to implement practical, sustainable pest and disease control solutions while maintaining a productive and resilient agricultural system.
Photos of Insects Found in Yavapai County
Arizona Pest Management Center Insect Photo Gallery
- Alternative Pesticide Options AZ1765
- Ants (Identification and Management), from University of California
- Fire Ant Stings AZ1954-21
- Harvester Ants BYG #16
- Odorous House Ants BYG #15
- Aphids, BYG #1, AZ1635
- Arizona Agricultural Pesticide Applicator Training Manual for Certification and Continuing Education AZ1149
- Bacterial Insecticide - Bt BYG #116
- Bee Identification Guide (Arizona)
- Beet Armyworm AZ1047
- Beet Curly Top Disease (Curtoviruses) in Spinach and Table Beets in Arizona AZ1552
- Beneficial Insects BYG #67
- Biological Insect Controls BYG #226
- Biology and Management of Downy Mildew of Lettuce AZ1682
- Biology and Management of Fusarium Wilt of lettuce AZ1678
- Blister Beetles:
- Centipedes BYG #53
- Cochineal Scale BYG #199
- Coddling Moth YC #10
- Common Fruit Tree Pests YC #13
- Common Insect Contaminants Found In Arizona Lettuce AZ1137
- Cotton (Texas) Root Rot AZ1150
- Damping-off AZ1029
- Earthworms including Vermiculture BYG #58
- Earwigs BYG #57
- Egyptian Alfalfa Weevil AZ1046
- False Chinch Bugs BYG #209
- Fire Blight AZ1030
- Fungus Gnat Integrated Pest Management AZ1531
- Galls BYG #208
- Grapeleaf Skeletonizer
- Grasshoppers BYG #35
- Green Fruit Beetles BYG #5
- Harvester Ants BYG #16
- Horticultural Oils BYG #242
- Integrated Pest Management for the Home Gardener AZ1521
- Integrating Variable Rate Technologies for Soll-applied Herbicides in Arizona Vegetable Production AZ1538
- Lady Beetles (see Beneficial Insects)
- Insecticides BYG #240
- Insect and Disease Problems YC #61
- Least Toxic Pest-Control Products - Directory
- Mosquitoes, BYG #157, AZ1706
- Pecan Bacterial Leaf Scorch AZ1772
- Peach Tree Borer, BYG #49, YC #29
- Pest Management BYG #91
- Plant Disease ~ Diagnosis and Management (PDF) Presentation by Dr. Bindu Poudel Sept 14, 2020
- Powdery Mildew AZ1033
- Problems and Pests of Agave, Aloe, Cactus and Yucca AZ1399
- Root-knot Nematode AZ1187
- Scale Insects BYG #203
- Snailcase Bagworm BYG #194
- Snails and Slugs BYG #124, YC #59
- Sonic Pest Repellents AZ1639
- Sphinx Moth (Hornworm) BYG #37
- Spider Mites BYG #195
- Squash Bugs BYG #18
- Stripe Rust of Small Grains AZ1755
- Symptom identification of Pecan Phymatotrichopsis Root Rot (PRR) AZ1814
- Tent Caterpillars AZ1249
- Termites, Drywood Termites AZ1232, Termite Management AZ1356
- Thrips BYG #2
- Ticks, YC #77, AZ1769
- True Mistletoes AZ1308
- Vegetable Diseases Caused by Phytophthora capsici In Arizona AZ1773
- Vegetable Pests BYG #196
- Verticillium Wilt AZ1034
- Weed Control for Wheat and Barley AZ1268
- West Nile Virus BYG #235
- Whiteflies BYG #197
- White Grubs BYG #11
Specialty crops encompass various high-value plants, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, ornamental plants, and vineyards. These crops are typically grown in low-acreage, high-density systems. To extend the growing season, they can be cultivated in open fields or protected agriculture systems, such as greenhouses and high tunnels.
Specialty crops often yield a higher return on investment than commodity crops due to their market value and consumer demand. Many specialty crops also qualify as value-added products, meaning they undergo further processing—such as winemaking or herb drying—and are marketed based on their unique growing region or terroir.
Specialty crop growers can maximize profitability by focusing on efficient production techniques, innovative marketing strategies, and sustainable practices while contributing to a resilient and diverse local food system.
- Arizona Climate Zones and Their Application to Growing Plants AZ1673
- Backyard Fruit Production at Elevations 3500 to 6000 Feet AZ1162
- Basics of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration AZ1194
- Crop Growth and Development for Irrigated Chile (Capsicum annuum) AZ1529
- Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies Quick-reference AZ1609
- Hop Production In Northern Arizona: Opportunity and Challenges for Small-scale Growers? AZ1819
- Specialty Crop Production Practices for Beginning Farmers in Arizona and the Southwest AZ1774
- Training and Pruning Newly Planted Deciduous Fruit Trees AZ1558
- Zinc Management in Arid Region Pecan Orchards AZ1789
Research and extension programs are crucial in identifying field crops and small grains that are well-adapted to the region’s climate and resource availability. A key focus is on selecting crops that optimize water use efficiency, ensuring sustainable production while supporting local food systems and regional food security.
Corn and barley have emerged as promising crops with high potential for adaptation and market viability in Yavapai County. Ongoing research explores best management practices, including soil fertility, irrigation strategies, and pest management, to enhance yield potential and economic returns for growers.
By integrating research-driven recommendations with practical farming strategies, this program supports the successful cultivation of field crops and small grains, contributing to a more resilient and diversified agricultural landscape.
- An Introduction to the Use of Reference Strips for N Management in Durum Wheat AZ1571
- Agroforestry as a Sustainable Ancient Agriculture Practice: Potential for Small-Scale Farmers and Ranchers in Dry Regions AZ1918
- Arizona Climate Zones and Their Application to Growing Plants AZ1673
- Basics of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration AZ1194
- Cultivation of Mixed Summer Cover Crops (Buckwheat, Cowpea, and Teff Grass) In High Tunnels AZ1982
- Cultural Practices for Kamal Bunt Control AZ1287
- Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies Quick-Reference AZ1609
- Fences in Commercial Horticulture and Small Acreage Agriculture AZ1855
- Fertilizing Small Grains in Arizona AZ1346
- Growing Alfalfa for Seed in Arizona AZ1129
- Lesquerella: A Winter Oilseed Crop for the Southwest AZ1520
- Nondormant Alfalfa Varieties for Arizona 2019 AZ1267
- Planting Dates for Small Grains in Arizona AZ1332
- Planting Methods for Small Grains in Arizona AZ1333
- Seeding Rates for Small Grains in Arizona AZ1334
- Small Grain Growth and Development AZ1346
- Stripe Rust of Small Grains AZ1755
- Wheat and Barley Varieties for Arizona 2020 AZ1265
Water is a critical resource for agricultural sustainability, and efficient water management is essential for long-term farm viability. This program focuses on water sourcing—including wells, creeks, ditches, rainwater harvesting, and water recycling—and sustainable irrigation practices that maximize conservation and resource efficiency.
Adopting water-efficient irrigation and land-use strategies is key to maintaining productive farms while reducing environmental impact for small to medium-scale growers and homeowners in Yavapai County. Water quality and chemistry also play a significant role in crop health and yield potential. Testing services and expert guidance on water amendments are available through the Cooperative Extension’s Commercial Horticulture and Small Acreage (CHSA) program to help growers manage salinity, pH balance, and nutrient availability.
- Agricultural Use of Recycled Water for Crop Production in Arizona AZ1670
- An Arizona Guide to Water Quality and Uses AZ1610
- Arizona Wells: Maintaining and Troubleshooting Wells AZ1581
- Basics of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration AZ1194
- Common Terms in Water Recycling and Agriculture Irrigation AZ1762
- Doing our Part to Help Conserve Arizona's Water Resources and Reduce Global Warming by Saving Energy at Home AZ1458
- DroughtView: Satellite-based Drought Monitoring and Assessment AZ1737
- Laboratories Conducting Soil, Plant, Feed, or Water Testing AZ1111
- Landscape Management Practices to Optimize Passive Rainwater Harvesting and Plant Health AZ1961
- Leaching for Maintenance: Factors to Consider for Determining the Leaching Requirement for Crops AZ1107
- Measuring Water Flow and Rate on the Farm AZ1130
- Methods of Measuring for Irrigation Scheduling-WHEN AZ1220
- Microbial Source Tracking: Watershed Characterization and Source Identification AZ1547
- Minimizing Risks: Use of Surface Water in Pre-Harvest Agricultural Irrigation AZ1793
- Using Gray Water at Home AZ Dept of Environmental Quality
- Using Gray Water for Irrigation
- Using Scenario Planning to Prepare for Uncertainty in Rural Watersheds AZ1688
- Water Quality, E.coli and your Health AZ1624
- Water Storage Tank Disinfection, Testing and Maintenance AZ1586
- Water Use in Vegetables-Carrots AZ1134
- Water Use in Vegetables-Cauliflower AZ1133
- Water Use in Vegetables-Dry Bulb Onions AZ1131
- Watering Trees and Shrubs: Simple Techniques for Efficient Landscape Watering AZ1298
Ensuring food safety on the farm is essential for protecting public health and maintaining consumer confidence in locally grown produce. Zoonotic diseases—those that can be transmitted from animals to humans—pose a significant risk within the food supply chain. Contamination can occur through multiple pathways, including manure, irrigation water, human handling, and wildlife presence. To reduce these risks, growers must implement strict on-farm food safety measures from production to point of sale.
In collaboration with the Arizona Department of Agriculture, outreach programs focus on Good Handling Practices (GHP) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). These guidelines help growers prevent contamination through proper sanitation, wash station design, packaging protocols, and safe transportation practices.
- Agricultural Fumigation Safety Guide for the Arizona Pesticide Applicator Certification AZ1327
- Agricultural Use of Recycled Water for Crop Production in Arizona AZ1670
- Arizona Agricultural Pesticide Applicator Training Manual for Certification and Continuing Education AZ1149
- Biotechnology and Food AZ1066
- Collection and Storage of Agricultural Animal Wastes and Wastewater AZ1014
- Common Insect Contaminants Found in Arizona Lettuce AZ1137
- E. coli Prevention and Control in Fresh Produce from Farm-to-Fork AZ1767
- Fertilizer Storage and Handling AZ1016
- Food Safety Know-How AZ9716
- Ideal Produce Wash Station for Small-scale Farmers: The Importance, Principles, Workflow Design, Water Quality, Washing, and Cooling Methods AZ1848
- Laboratories Conducting Soil, Plant, Feed or Water Testing AZ1111
- Manure Use and Management AZ1012
- Organically Grown Food Versus Non-Organically Grown Foods AZ1603
- Pesticide Drift AZ1050
- Pesticide Storage and Handling AZ1017
- Small Scale Composting in the Low Desert of Arizona AZ1632
- Steps To Becoming a Certified School Garden AZ1722
- Water Wells AZ1018

Michael Pierce
Looking for Extension Support for Your Commercial Farm?
If you are a commercial food producer in Yavapai County, I’m here to help! As part of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, I provide resources, guidance, and technical support to help you succeed in your farming operations.
Michael Pierce
Yavapai County Cooperative Extension
Assistant in Extension
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Commercial Horticulture and Food Systems
Address: 2830 N Commonwealth Dr., Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Plant Databases
- Native and Naturalized Plants of Yavapai County
- Arizona Invasive Plants
- Non-native Invasive Plants of Arizona
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you do water testing? We do not do water testing; we have a bulletin with labs that do test water in the Southwest, AZ111.
Do you do soil testing? Yes, both our Prescott and Camp Verde Extension offices perform free pH soil tests.
Find out about upcoming events and stay informed by joining our email list:

Greenhouse Lettuce
Michael Pierce