Q: Where can I buy my irrigation system?
A: There is not an approved vendor list for this program. Vendor selection is solely at the discretion of the applicant (Grower). Vendors must carry an insurance policy of greater than or equal to $2-million. Vendor systems must demonstrate at least 20% water efficiency to be eligible for the program.
Q: Is cement canal overhaul and repair covered?
A: As long as it is done in part with a new irrigation system. Canal overhaul and repair is not covered on its own.
Q: Is labor for installation and more costly removal of drip tape covered?
A: No, the funds should be used to only cover the initial installation of the new irrigation system. Any labor and maintenance will be covered by the applicant.
Q: Will the grant pay for irrigation water from the district?
A: No, this grant will only cover new irrigation systems.
Q: Will this grant support the drilling of a new well?
A: As long as the well installation is part of a new irrigation system, it can be funded, but it must be done in part with a larger project. Well installation without a new irrigation system will not be covered.
Q: Can I apply for this grant in conjunction with applying for other grants?
A: Yes, you can apply for funds from the Water Irrigation Efficiency Program while working on other grants.
Q: What are the benchmarks for 50% completion for my project?
A: There are different benchmarks depending on what type of system you are installing. If you are installing a drip system, once the system is installed over 50% of the acres you are applying for, you have achieved the 50% benchmark. If you are installing a sprinkler system, once you have all of the equipment for your project onsite, you have achieved your 50% benchmark.