Consultation Services
The Pima County Master Gardeners offer home garden visits to help you address your most challenging problems. For individual homeowners, we charge $75 for a 1.5-hour visit (an additional $25 will be added for every half hour if the visit takes longer than that). We will come out answer questions and provide insight. *We will not do any garden work; we do not offer that service. We accept cash or checks made payable to PCCE.
For HOAs working with Tucson Water, we will estimate the common area high-water-use plants. This service has a flat fee of $250. Please make checks payable to PCCE.
Home Consultations
Bring expertise to you with this fee-based service available to residents of Pima County.
HOA Consultations
Fee-based community landscape assessments to help estimate high water use plants. Only for those working with Tucson Water on an HOA Rebate.