Master Gardener Volunteer & Home Horticulture Training
Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who provide educational information to Cooperative Extension clientele. They undergo intensive training.
Course topics include basic botany; climate and soils; composting; water and irrigation; ecosystems and native plants; plant selection, planting, staking and pruning; woody plants (fruit and ornamentals); vegetables and annuals; weed management; wildlife damage control; plant diseases; entomology; integrated pest management and pesticide safety.
The primary focus of the volunteer work is providing science-based horticultural information to the community. Some examples of volunteer work are:
- staffing horticulture help lines in the Cooperative Extension offices
- giving talks, demonstrations, etc. to groups
- sharing horticulture information at festivals, farmers' markets, etc.
- assisting students in school wildlife habitats
- providing horticultural advice to individuals, groups, and establishment
2026 Master Gardener Volunteer Training - This 17 session class will be held in the Verde Valley beginning in January, 2026. Applications will be available in November, 2025. If you would like to be placed on a list to receive an application please email Mary Barnes at
Home Horticulture Classes are held via Zoom each Fall for those who would like to learn science-based gardening practices, with no volunteer commitment. The class covers most of the same topics listed above for the Master Gardener Volunteer training, but condensed to fit into 2 hours. Please email Mary Barnes at to be placed on the distribution list to receive an application in August for the 7-sessio class that begins on Tuesday, September 9, 2025. The class will be held once a week (Tuesday evenings). The class fee is $125.