Pima County Invasive Species Program
Providing educational resources to empower communities to stop the spread of desert invaders like bufflegrass, fountain grass and stinknet.
Invasive species are an ever-growing problem all over the world, and Southern Arizona is no exception. Whether these weeds and pests were brought here intentionally or unintentionally, they need to be reckoned with if we want to protect our piece of the Sonoran Desert. Our mission is to help the public understand the scope of this problem and find ways to be a part of the solution.

Learn to identify and remove this invasive wee that is spreading throughout Arizona

Invasive Plant Database
Searchable guide for identifying and managing invasive plants

Pima Parks and Recreation
Restoration efforts and volunteer opportunities, as well as dozens of other relevant links on the issue.
Community Information
- Invasive Species 101 from PlayCleanGo is the outreach campaign of the North American Invasive Species Management Association.
- Buffelgrass.org, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum hub of all things buffelgrass, including a list of volunteer buffelgrass removal opportunies.
- Fountain grass brochure from the Arizona Native Plant Society - Information about a plant that embodies the phrase “looks can be deceiving."
- Sonoran Desert Cooperative Weed Management Area - Information on the most significant invasive plants in Southern Arizona and how to help.
- Saguaro National Park invasive plants page - Information about how invasive species affect the park.
- Stinknet.org, Tucson Audubon Society stinknet mapping hub - the place to report this weed if you spot it in Pima County.

Our Free Services
- Presentations for HOA’s, community groups, school groups or anyone interested
- Home invasive species inspections
- Demonstrations on how to remove invasive species
- Guidance on how to form an invasives species removal volunteer group
- Pamphlets/flyers/posters available to distribute
- Tabling at community events