How can I give to 4-H?

Perhaps no legacy is as satisfying as that which is devoted to the formative years of young men and women. And the 4-H program is dedicated to helping young people during these years. More than 100 meaningful real-life projects serve as vehicles for teaching responsibility, self-confidence, dignity of work, useful skills, and other qualities which youth will need to provide tomorrow's leadership in a free democracy. You can live on in these youth of tomorrow and help shape countless numbers of lives by donating to the Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation. In addition, supporting 4-H by giving of your time is also very much needed. If you are interested in volunteering for 4-H please contact us.

If you would like to learn more about ways to support your favorite 4-H program through endowments, or ways you can get involved with planned gifts of stocks, bonds, property, or life insurance policies, please contact the Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation office.

Leave a Legacy Through Your Own Endowment

Leaving an endowment or legacy bequest to help young people grow and live their dreams is truly a most satisfying experience. Through an endowment created in the Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation your legacy can live on through the youth of tomorrow, helping to shape countless lives and build the leaders of our future. An endowment can be created through a minimum gift of $25,000 to perpetuate your own legacy or to honor friends or loved ones. This gift can be made in installments over a three year period, or through a will provision in your estate plan. Gifts to establish an endowment may be made in cash, or with stocks, bonds, property, or life insurance policies.

Endowment funds are invested by the 4-H Foundation Board to provide perpetual support for Arizona's 4-H program. The endowment principle is preserved in the investment fund and never spent. Only the interest earned (up to 5% annually) is used to support 4-H programs, and additional interest earnings help to increase the value of the endowment fund through prudent management and re-investment. Over time, endowments in the 4-H Foundation have grown and provided cumulative support in excess of the initial gift that established these funds!

Endowments truly have an impact on Arizona 4-H – they are the gifts that keep on giving! For information on how you can help 4-H by establishing a perpetual endowment to provide general support for 4-H, or specific support for scholarships, county programs, or state-wide activities, please contact the Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation.
Endowment Opportunities

Endowments help guarantee perpetual support for 4-H groups, events, activities, scholarships and awards. Besides supporting 4-H, endowments also provide stability by providing on-going support. Endowments can also be set up to benefit individual counties or a specific 4-H club. New, named endowments can be created with a minimum investment of $25,000. This is a terrific way to remember a loved one, or honor living friends and relatives. Gifts of any amount may be added to existing endowment funds at any time. Instead of creating a new endowment, you can also choose to give to one of the endowments that are currently in place.

The Arizona 4-H Youth Foundation relies on the interest from endowment investments to fund tuition assistance for students who otherwise could not afford to attend a college or university of their choice. Your gift will go a long way in helping these outstanding young men and women achieve their dream of getting a quality education.

Donations/Memorials: General donations can be made to the endowment fund in memory of a deceased alumni, family member, friend etc. Donations can also be in honor of a fellow classmate, anniversary, wedding, birthday, etc. The donations will be acknowledged to the donor and family as well as published in the next Foundation newsletter.

Scholarships: A named scholarship can be established at the Arizona 4-H youth Foundation with a gift of $25,000 or more to the endowment fund. Specific Named Scholarships can be established each with different recipient criteria. Typically the principal of the scholarship remains intact, with the reward amount reflecting a 5% interest amount. A donation of $125,000 will annually fund a full tuition scholarship for one student each year.

Donations can be made to scholarship funds in memory of or in honor of the individual named on the scholarship. You can also make donations to a specific fund in memory of or in honor of a named third party.