Become a Pima County Master Gardener

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Pima County Master Gardener. Please read all of the information below before applying using the link at the bottom of the page. 

Applications will be accepted until April 25th. Due to demand and our class size restrictions, not all applicants will be selected to become Master Gardeners. The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities. 

Mission Statement

Pima County Master Gardener volunteers, directed and supported by the University of Arizona faculty and staff, educate residents by providing unbiased research-based horticulture practices and information that promote the development of healthy, sustainable communities. 

What is a Master Gardener?

Master Gardeners are community educators who work with Cooperative Extension offices throughout the United States. Each state's land grant university oversees the Master Gardener program in that state. Here in Arizona, the Pima County Cooperative Extension (PCCE) and the Master Gardener program are part of the University of Arizona, which is Arizona's land-grant university. There are currently approximately 280 active Certified Master Gardener volunteers here in Pima County.

What happens after Master Gardeners are selected?

Applicants selected to become Certified Master Gardeners must complete approximately 60 hours of classroom training beginning August 11th and continuing until the 2nd week of December. Classes will be in-person and on-site. We will meet every Monday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm *this may change as we are still working out the classroom scheduling.  The cost of this class is $350, and that includes all the needed materials and books. Please note that this fee is non-refundable. Once the classroom training is successfully completed, the intern period begins. The intern period allows you to gain hands-on experience and mentoring from other Master Gardeners. You must complete 50 hours of volunteer service before becoming a Certified Master Gardener.

Maintaining Master Gardener status through volunteer hours

To maintain Certified Master Gardener status, each volunteer must participate in 50 hours of approved service activities and complete 10 hours of continuing education training annually.

Types of Volunteering

  • Speaking Team: One of the most meaningful outreach activities the Pima County Master Gardener program offers is the speaking team. Master Gardeners present landscape and gardening programs throughout Pima County, giving talks to various civic groups and community gardens. Library talks are usually given from October through April at several libraries throughout Pima County, and we also offer these presentations via Zoom year-round. The speaking team also holds paid seminars and books public speaking requests.
  • Plant Clinic: Plant Clinic volunteers answer landscape and gardening questions from the public. The Plant Clinic is mainly conducted online, but we offer an in-person clinic on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 to 2.
  • Demonstration Garden: Master Gardeners also maintain the 1-acre demonstration garden at the Pima County Extension Office. Garden committees work on Thursday mornings throughout the year. These gardens are used to teach and show the community best practices in local gardening. We also propagate plants for our two plant sales that help support our program.

Apply Here