Nonnative and Invasive Plants of Gila County: ID & Control Methods

An Arizona Native Plant Society: Tonto Basin Chapter Event

Red brome in Tonto Basin. Photo credit: Becky Settje


10 – 11:30 a.m., March 23, 2024


Land infested by nonnative plants may become irreversibly changed and never again reach its full biological potential.

UA Gila County Extension Agent Chris Jones will discuss how to identify several nonnative invasive plants in the Tonto Basin area and share information on control measures.

Species discussed include:

  • Red brome
  • Cheatgrass
  • Buffelgrass
  • Sahara mustard
  • London rocket
  • Malta starthistle
  • Stinknet
  • Russian thistle (tumbleweed)
  • Tree of heaven
  • Tamarisk

Appropriate control strategies and herbicide treatments will be presented according to plant type, such as annual or perennial grasses or weeds, and woody species. Pesticide safety precautions will also be discussed.

There are many small infestations of nonnative plants in Arizona that most people do not recognize as a problem. However, the risk of ignoring these small infestations is great. Many weed scientists compare small infestations to biological time bombs, primed to explode when the right combination of environmental conditions come along. Indeed, many small infestations in Arizona have increased dramatically, expanding their range into previously non-infested areas. Without intervention, nonnative plants will cause widespread, irreparable economic and ecological damage in Arizona.


Christopher Jones