Positive Parenting Program

Lunch and Childcare Provided!

Positive Parenting Program

This 4-session series is based on the Triple P curriculum, which is proven to reduce behavior problems in children by helping parents remain positive in the most challenging situations with their children. Participants will learn why children behave the way they do, how to teach new skills and positive behaviors, tools to manage misbehavior and how to plan ahead for high-risk situations.

Wednesday, January 15: Session 1 - Positive Parenting
Wednesday, January 22: Session 2 - Helping Children Develop
Wednesday, January 29: Session 3 - Managing Misbehavior
Wednesday, February 5: Session 4 - Planning Ahead

Lunch and childcare provided!

All sessions will be held from 1-3 pm. Participants MUST attend all sessions to complete course.

Register Here
