Come one, come all—our Fall Plant Sale is just around the corner. Mark Saturday, October 19th, 2024, for a morning of plant shopping. The sale will run from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. We’ll have a fabulous selection of plants, cacti, and succulents, perennials, and a wide variety of water-wise plantings well suited for our Tucson area.We are accepting cash, checks, and credit/debit cards.
Do you need compost, soil probes, or our Master Gardener’s Handbook? We will have that and more for sale. Master gardeners will also be on hand to answer all of your questions. Consider spending some time touring our Demonstration Gardens for inspiration.
For your safety, no dogs or strollers are allowed in the sales area. As in past plant sales, you can bring your own cart, or we can provide transport assistance with our carts.