Southeast Pinal County Master Gardeners

What would our world be like without the beauty of bees?
Native bees are a hidden treasure. From alpine meadows in the national forests of the Rocky Mountains to the Sonoran Desert in the Coronado National Forest in Arizona. Native bees come in a wide array of sizes, shapes, and colors, yet they remain ignored or unknown by most of us. Bees provide an invaluable ecosystem service and pollination to 80 percent of flowering plants.
Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of bees! We’ll explore their intricate biology, essential role in pollination, and the current challenges they face. Learn about their complex social structures and remarkable communication methods. What are the best plants to attract and support pollinators in your own garden? Our speaker, Anne LeSenne, will help you discover practical tips on how to create a bee-friendly environment and the alarming decline of bee populations and the impacts of climate change on these vital insects. We hope you’ll BEE there!