2025 State Multi Discipline Championships

Arizona 4-H State Shooting Sports



All Day, Feb. 21 – 23, 2025

Match updates as of 16 FEB 2025

  1. COWTOWN RANGE VIDEO and WAIVER REQUIREMENT  (Everyone entering the Cowtown Range complex)
  2. BEN AVERY RANGE VIDEO and WAIVER REQUIREMENT (Shotgun competitors only)


Please ensure you watch the Cowtown Range video and sign the online waiver before the match (link is below). You can add family members (to include minors) under the family member’s tab.  Everyone entering Cowtown Range must watch the video and sign the waiver, regardless if they are competing or not.


Video and Waiver Link:



If you are a shotgun competitor, please ensure you watch the Ben Avery Range video and sign the waivers below before the match (link is below).  Bring a hardcopy of your signed waivers to check in.  These will be turned into Ben Avery range personnel Saturday morning.   


Safety Video: 


Safety Waiver:


Minor Consent Form: 




We are conducting our annual state shooting sports fundraising raffle again this year.  Competitors and counties are asked to provide a donation in support of this fundraising effort for the State Shooting Sports Program.  Please get creative and help support the growth of shooting sports across the state!



During the silhouette course of fire, we are shooting steel targets at distance this year.  We are not using paper targets to conduct the match.  Smallbore rifle will use 1/5 scale targets placed at the four distances stated in the rulebook.  Smallbore pistol will utilize 1/5 scale steel targets placed at scaled distances in proportion to those listed in the rulebook (as the steel targets we have available are smaller than those listed in the rulebook).



As Ben Avery is conducting a large tournament this weekend, we were not able to reserve the fields we wanted.  All competitors will meet at the Ben Avery shotgun clubhouse after the opening ceremony to break into small groups in order to integrate into the fields available for public use.  Look for Stacy, Kim and Kat once you get there.



Cowtown Range has limited parking available near the live fire ranges we are using.  Please be prepared to potentially walk a short distance from the parking lot to your range depending on which disciplines you are competing in.  See attached map for a general overview of the facility and locations of the ranges we are using.  It’s recommended that you bring chairs, portable shade structures and food and drink for the day.



Our updated schedule for the weekend is below.  All competitors need to check-in, have their equipment inspected, and attend the opening ceremony / safety brief prior to reporting to their first relay location. 


Date            Time 
21-FEBRange / Event Setup (volunteers and range personnel)09001200
 Competitor Check-in 12001600
 Competitor Equipment Inspection 12301600
 Open Practice (All ranges minus archery 3-D and shotgun)13001800
22-FEBCompetitor Late Check-in / Equipment Inspection 07000800
 Opening Ceremony / Safety Brief 08000830
 Match Competition Red Relay (All sites)09001300
 Lunch / Transportation13001330
 Match Competition White Relay (All sites)13301730
 23-FEBCompetitor Late Check-in / Equipment Inspection07300800
 Match Competition Blue Relay (All sites)08001200
 Range Teardown (Volunteers, members and range personnel)12001300
 Awards Ceremony13001400


Dry camping is available for free just outside Cowton’s main gate on the adjoining BLM property.  Look for our group of RVs and the 4-H sign / flag if you are planning on camping out.





The 2025 Arizona State Shooting Sports Multi Discipline Championships are right around the corner!   Z-Suite registration is now open.  Early registration is open until 13 February 2025. All competitors must be registered via Z-Suite no later than 20 February 2025.  From 14 February to the date of the match, registration will remain $40, but will not include a competitor shirt.

State championship archery, shotgun, smallbore rifle, smallbore pistol, muzzleloader and hunting skills matches will be held 21-23 February 2025, at Cowtown Range, north of Phoenix near Ben Avery.  All event shooting disciplines offer competition opportunities for Junior, Intermediate and Senior 4-H members actively enrolled and participating in correlated shooting sports projects.  Please note members must have participated in a match of some sort (practice, rehearsal, county or state) prior to competing at the State Championships.  

All participants are competing for silver buckles donated by the Arizona Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).  Seniors may also compete for one of the limited "wildcard" positions we have available for the State Shooting Team that is representing Arizona at the 4-H National Championships in June 2025 at Grand Island, Nebraska.  

The event costs $40 to register for up to three disciplines except for shotgun. (Shotgun entries will be charged an additional $15 due to the cost of clays used during the match.)  During registration, competitors are asked to select their top five prioritized disciplines they would like to compete in.  The State Coordinator will make every effort to build relays that support each competitor’s prioritized entry list, but please prepare for participating in any of the five selected disciplines until the match schedule is released.  All competitors registered for early registration will receive a T-shirt commemorating their participation in the event. Please ensure shirt sizes are accurate as we do not order extra shirts for the event.

The 2025 AZ State Match Rulebook will govern this match. Please go to our website to download a copy.

Please note that the hunting skills match includes an archery 3-D course of fire that mandates competitors can safely utilize a bow (provided by the competitor) and a smallbore rifle course of fire involving various hunting engagement scenarios. 

Equipment utilized by competitors during the event must meet the standards listed in the state rulebook for each course of fire unless an exception to policy is approved by both the State Discipline Lead and the State Shooting Sports Coordinator.  

We will also be conducting a raffle again this year for various shooting sports and non-shooting sports items benefiting the Arizona 4-H Shooting Sports program.  Clubs and counties are highly encouraged to bring donated, homemade, or other interesting items for the raffle.

The general timeline for the weekend is below. Competitors are encouraged to register and complete equipment inspection on Friday, 21 February, in order to avoid potential long lines on Saturday and Sunday morning.  Those who complete their registration and inspection on Friday afternoon will also be allotted practice time on available ranges. Timeline modifications will be posted on our state website.


Competition open to all AZ 4-H members enrolled and active in the shooting project as verified / confirmed by Z-Suite enrollment and project leader, if needed.
