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- Spicebush, Wright’s Beebrush
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Summer/Fall 2023
- Dormant Season Grazing Considerations
- New University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Publication
Best Practices for Healthy Horsekeeping
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: 2022-23
- Here’s the Beef: Basics for Selecting a Bull
- Virtual Fence
- Spring Toxic Plants
- Arizona Livestock Incident Response Team (ALIRT)
- Monitoring Minute: Sampling Vegetation Attributes Interagency Technical Reference
- Producer Updates
- Medically Important Antimicrobial for Food Producing Animals Moving to Prescription Only
- Animal Electronic ID (RFID) Requirement Proposed by APHIS
- FMD Vaccine Bank
- Testing for Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) Persistently Infected Animals
- Mineral and Protein Supplementation
- Kansas State Beef Cattle Experts Offer Tips on Ways to Reduce Parasite Loads in Young Animals
- Apache Plume
- Monitoring Minute: Utilization and Residual Measurements Interagency Technical Reference
- Research Corner: Quantifying the Ovarian Dynamic in Heat Stressed Developing Heifers
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Spring 2023
- Residual Feed Intake as a Selection Tool for Cow Herd Efficiency
- Monitoring Minute: Measuring Density
- ALIRT Bulletins
- Horse Disease: West Nile Virus
- Horse Disease: Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)
- Horse Disease: Strangles
- What can the Arizona Beef Quality Assurance Class do for Arizona Producers?
- Nitrate Toxicity
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary
- Virtual Fence Project Overview
- Pale Wolfberry
- Selecting an Optimum Breeding Season Length
- Monitoring Minute: Repeat Photography
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Spring 2021-22
- Research Corner: Grazing Behavior, Diet Selection, and Meat Characteristics of Criollo Cattle
- Examining Forage Use by Horses, Cattle, & Elk on the Heber Wild Horse Territory
- New Range and Livestock University of Arizona Extension Publications:
- Ranch Scale Drought Monitoring Tools
- Monitoring Drought in Arizona
- Using Repeat Photography as a Tool to Monitor Rangelands
- Novel Approaches to Ecological Restoration in Semi-arid and Arid Habitats
- Knowing What is Normal for Your Horse
- Cow Body Condition Score to Manage Your Beef Herd
- Injection Site Management Tips
- How and Why of Calf Castration
- Backyard Chickens and Ectoparasites: Introduction and Management
- Recent Extension BOLO’s
- Poultry Disease: Avian Influenza
- Horse Disease: Strangles
- Horse Disease: West Nile Virus
- Horse Disease: Equine Infectious Anemia
- Arizona Walnut
- Monitoring Minute: Fetch
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Summer 2022
- Controlled Breeding Seasons
- Research Corner: Virtual Fence
- Recent advances in the impact of heat stress in beef finishing cattle under controlled heat stress conditions
- Monitoring Minute – Ground Rules and Field Preparation
- Is Artificial Insemination Right for Your Operation?
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Fall 2022
- Plains Lovegrass
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Fall 2020
- Drought & Rangelands
- Blue Grama
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Winter 2020-21
- Monitoring Minute: Measuring Cover
- Another Drought Consideration: Toxic Plants
- During Tough Times – Return to Basics
- Nutrition Considerations for Livestock During Drought
- Blister Beetle
- U.S. Drought Monitor
- Financial Options for Livestock Producers During National Disasters
- Arizona Cottontop
- Monitoring Minute: Measuring Frequency
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Spring/Summer 2021
- Addressing Issues with Cattle and Horses in the Arizona Heat
- Wild Cotton
- Monitoring Minute: The Dry-Weight-Rank Method of Estimating Plant Species Composition
- Arizona Seasonal Climate Summary: Summer/Fall 2021
- Value Added Programs – Third Party Audit
- What’s in your Lambing or Calving Toolbox?